• Dès aujourd'hui Barbara est à nouveau étudiante!
    A 9h45 je suis allée à mon RDV pour m'inscrire administrativement à La Sorbonne.
    Qu'est ce que ça fait de retourner étudiant à 36 ans? Je ne sais pas encore. Je vous le dirai quand je m'assiérai à nouveau sur le banc, c'est à dire dans quelques jours.
    Pour l'instant tout est très positif. Les gens dans les bureaux sont gentils, disponibles, souriants. Pour la toute première fois je ne me suis pas sentie traité en étrangère (vous voyez ce que je veux dire?)
    En plus (et ça c'est une nouveauté absolue pour moi) j'aurai droit à des reductions avec ma carte! Ce n'est pas beaucoup mais c'est le principe qui compte. Je me sens privilegiée.
    Bon, je pars, la journée est loin d'être terminée. Ciao!

    4 commentaires
  •  E Ti Vengo A Cercare

    E ti vengo a cercare

    anche solo per vederti o parlare

    perché ho bisogno della tua presenza

    per capire meglio la mia essenza.

    Questo sentimento popolare

    nasce da meccaniche divine

    un rapimento mistico e sensuale

    mi imprigiona a te.

    Dovrei cambiare l'oggetto dei miei desideri

    non accontentarmi di piccole gioie quotidiane

    fare come un eremita

    che rinuncia a sé.

    E ti vengo a cercare

    con la scusa di doverti parlare

    perché mi piace ciò che pensi e che dici

    perché in te vedo le mie radici.

    Questo secolo oramai alla fine

    saturo di parassiti senza dignità

    mi spinge solo ad essere migliore

    con più volontà.

    Emanciparmi dall'incubo delle passioni

    cercare l'Uno al di sopra del Bene e del Male

    essere un'immagine divina

    di questa realtà.

    E ti vengo a cercare

    perché sto bene con te

    perché ho bisogno della tua presenza.

    - Franco Battiato - 

    3 commentaires
  •  La Testa Nel Secchio

    Ho messo la testa nel secchio

    e nel secchio c'è acqua e sale

    Ho messo la testa nel secchio

    e devo bere per non affogare

    Ho messo la testa nel secchio

    dentro al secchio per guardare

    cosa c'era dentro al secchio

    e dentro al secchio c'era il mare

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    quante volte sono stato

    quanti ponti ho attraversato

    quante scale che ho salito

    Quando tu indicavi il cielo

    mentre io guardavo il dito

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    quante pagine ho strappato

    Quanto amore ho visto in giro

    quanto ne ho dimenticato

    Ma ho del sangue nei capelli

    e non so chi mi ha ferito

    E il treno sta partendo

    e non è ancora partito

    Ho messo la testa nel secchio

    come in un pozzo per afferrare

    un coltello dalla parte sbagliata

    o un riflesso lunare

    Una stella camaleonte o una corrente tropicale

    o la voce di una donna in fondo al secchio

    che ti chiede "Sai nuotare?"

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    quante facce sono stato

    Quante volte ho chiuso gli occhi

    quanta polvere ho mangiato

    Quante volte ho chiesto scusa

    quante volte ho perdonato

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    quanta gente ho conosciuto

    e se mi riconosceresti

    dopo il tempo che è passato

    Come sabbia dentro al vetro

    come vento sul vestito

    E il treno sta partendo

    e non è ancora partito

    Ho messo la testa nel secchio

    come in un sogno da attraversare

    Come chilometri di luce nera

    come un bagaglio da recuperare

    nelle stazioni di mezzanotte

    senza volermi svegliare

    per qualcosa che non ha orario

    Ma non può aspettare

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    Quante carte ho rivoltato

    Quante volte ho preso l'asso

    Quante volte l'ho buttato

    Quante volte l'ho visto il sole

    Quante volte l'ho guardato

    E chissà quanto ho viaggiato

    e se sono mai arrivato

    Se ho scommesso, se ho pagato

    Se ho promesso ed ho tradito

    Quante volte ho confessato

    senza essermi pentito

    E il treno sta partendo

    e non è ancora partito

    - Francesco De Gregori - 

    6 commentaires

  • Plenty of crucial questions have remained unanswered. The evidence doesn't fit the official version of facts. More than two thousands people have lost their lives in the WTC, and it's not because it didn't happen in my country that I care less about it. After that Mr. Bush has been given the power to do whatever he wanted only in the name of 9/11. Many civils have been slaughtered in Iraq just for the sake of it. And, again, it's not because i'm not Iraqi that I care less about it. Plus, this makes terrorism to spread and enforce even more. What I know is that the truth about these events is not clear. What I want is answers that fit the questions. I'm fed up with lies.


    "9/11 Symposium: Professor Steven Jones

    Professor Steven Jones
    gives an illustrated keynote speech about the role of
    incendiary devices used in the destruction of the twin
    towers and Building 7. Jones has often been cited as the
    torch carrier for a newly defined 9/11 movement characterized
    by science, common sense and credibility.

    The material that was
    first brought into question on the back of photos and
    video clips of the twin towers showing a dripping molten
    substance and floating white ash can now be confirmed
    as being thermate, combining thermite which is used as
    an incendiary device to bring down structures and sulfur,
    which cuts through steel quicker and leaves a yellow residue.

    Jones' has conducted
    over 40 peer reviewed scientific studies two of which
    were published in Nature and Scientific American. Jones
    stated that thermite was a "clever" choice because
    its ingredients, aluminum and iron oxide do not require
    identifying tags by law, meaning they couldn't be traced
    back to their manufacturers."

    9 commentaires
  • Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a longtime Army intelligence
    officer, publicly claimed on August 15, 2005 that the 9/11 committee
    investigation was a cover-up. "Shaffer said that his unit had contacted
    the FBI repeatedly during 2000 to warn that a US-based terrorist cell
    was at work, but three times was forced to cancel meetings to brief the
    FBI at the instruction of the Strategic Operations Command (SOCOM), the
    Pentagon unit in charge of all counter-terrorism work."

    "There is only one politically serious explanation of
    this now-indisputable fact: powerful forces within the US
    military/intelligence complex wanted a terrorist incident on US soil in
    order to create the needed shift in public opinion required to embark
    on a long-planned campaign of military intervention in Central Asia and
    the Middle East. Whether or not they knew the scale of the impending
    attacks and what the precise targets would be, they acted in such a way
    as to block the arrest of known terrorist operatives and allow them to
    carry out their plot."

    On August 9, 2005, a front page article in the New York Times
    revealed that a military intelligence unit had identified four
    September 11 hijackers as Al Qaeda operatives working in the US a year
    before the 9/11 attacks.A former intelligence officer in the Pentagon
    unit named Able Danger indicated that the intelligence unit was
    prevented by the military's Special Operations Command from passing on
    the information to the FBI.

    "Why was this information concealed?

    "Because it points imperiously to the existence of a conspiracy within
    one or another intelligence or security agency, not to mention the Bush
    White House, to shield the future hijackers and allow some form of
    terrorist attack on US soil to occur. All of the efforts of the 9/11
    commission—as well as the entire official media and both the Democratic
    and Republican parties—have been concentrated on excluding even the
    possibility that something more sinister than bureaucratic incompetence
    or institutional roadblocks were responsible for an intelligence
    failure of staggering dimensions.

    "But the evidence pointing to some form of government complicity
    continues to mount, despite official whitewashes, cover-ups,
    half-truths and lies."

    "A report released June 9, 2005 by the FBI's Office of
    the Inspector General raises new questions about the role of the US
    government in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The internal
    FBI study provides several important revelations about how US
    intelligence agencies ignored and even suppressed warnings in the
    period leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
    Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people."

    June 13, 2005: "A former Bush team member during his first
    administration is now voicing serious doubts about the collapse of the
    World Trade Center on 9-11. Former chief economist for the Department
    of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds
    comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is
    'bogus' and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition
    destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7. Reynolds,
    who also served as director of the Criminal Justice Center at the
    National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas and is now professor
    emeritus at Texas A&M University said, 'If demolition destroyed
    three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the
    case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on America would be
    compelling.' Reynolds commented from his Texas A&M office, 'It is
    hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the cause
    of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. If the official
    wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is, then policy based
    on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely to be correct
    either. The government's collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its
    own terms. Only professional demolition appears to account for the full
    range of facts associated with the collapse of the three buildings.'"

    Gore Vidal's essay 'The Enemy Within' was published on October 27, 2002 in the print edition of The Observer.
    In it Vidal claims that what he calls a "Bush junta" planned and
    carried out the terrorist attacks as a pretext to enact a pre-existing
    agenda to invade Afghanistan and attack civil liberties in the U.S.

    "We still don't know by whom we were struck that
    infamous Tuesday, or for what true purpose. But it is fairly plain to
    many civil libertarians that 9/11 put paid not only to much of our
    fragile Bill of Rights but also to our once-envied system of government
    which had taken a mortal blow the previous year when the Supreme Court
    did a little dance in 5/4 time and replaced a popularly elected
    President with the oil and gas Bush-Cheney junta."

    Internet radio and print columnist Alex Jones of Infowar.com now states without equivocation:


    "My friends, the government just didn't have prior
    knowledge of the September 11th al Qaeda attacks. They actually funded,
    trained, protected, coddled, and shepherded al Qaeda into this country.
    Trained many of the terrorists at Pensacola Naval Air Station, U.S.A.,
    threatened F.B.I. and defense intelligence officers who tried to stop
    al Qaeda, threatened them with arrest. Bush signed now public document
    W199I two months before September 11, threatening them with arrest if
    they tried to stop al Qaeda."

    18 commentaires